Halata Family

Welcome to our life. Hectic, crazy busy
and lovin' every bit of it!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Frist day of Kindergarden. Wow has time flown by. I can remember having her like yesterday. Now look at our girl.

We used to talk about dolls playing games and how they want to stay with Mommy and Daddy forever. Now we are talking about Reading, Math, Homework and wanting a DS and an Ipod. The older they get the more beautiful and FULL of life.

Brynna was very excited and a bit nervous for her first day of school, but she did great.
Bella was very excited and a little jealous of Sissy getting to go to a new school.

There were no tears shed. Well, none by Brynna anyway. Daddy did great just had this lump in his throat that he couldn't get to go away. I on the other hand didn't do to bad. At least not until I was alone in my car.

We had a very exciting day ending with a nice hour and a half bus ride for Brynna and Alyssa to make it over to Windsong were once again mom was crying not knowing where my girl was, but they made it and all is well. Day 2 has come and gone and Brynna loves her teacher and can't wait to go back to school tomorrow.

1 comment:

Keri DeBorde said...

Let me buy you the drink...kindergarten is a doozy. I am just a wimp. :-) The girls looked beautiful, who wouldn't love Brynna as a student in their class!!!