Halata Family

Welcome to our life. Hectic, crazy busy
and lovin' every bit of it!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Summer is Over!!

Last stop Build a Bear. Don't think Brian realized how much this would cost him.

Now time for the perfect outfits!!
Brynna has been practicing her gymnastics and her cheerleading and well, Bella can't let Brynna have all the fun. Gotta love little sisters they always want to tag along!!

Once again no one can be left out.

Well the summer is over for me back to the real world and whatever it may have in store for me. My big girl is starting Kindergaten and Bella is almost 3. Wow has the time zoomed by. Our last days have been spent being silly, starting cheerleading, and we had a treate today and went to build a bear.

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